Friday, March 23, 2012

Our First Broody Hen of the Year!

Here is our first broody hen this year.  Spring has come and one of our Black Copper Marans decided that she wanted to be a momma!  Yipppee!  We are so excited to have her sit on 10 eggs...some are cross breeds and a few Marans eggs.  So far, she has been very protective of her eggs and Paul has been bitten and pecked multiple times when he has been trying to move her, clean her nest, give her an egg, etc. 

She definitely has a "Don't mess with me attitude"!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Black Copper Marans Eggs

I wanted to share the eggs that we have been getting from our Black Copper Marans.  According to the Marans egg color chart, the eggs are currently about a 6-7 which I would say is pretty good considering the darkest color is labeled as a 9.  We are a work in progress and I hope to get darker eggs, but right now I love seeing the eggs we receive everyday.

 Egg color on the computer and in pictures is a little hard to take completely accurately so I tried to take a few different pictures to try to get ones that reflect the real color the best.

This is the Marans egg color chart.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Meet our Newest Chicks!

We purchased a few new breeds to had to our hen house this year.  They were all born the last week of February so they are about 1-2 weeks old now.  Pictures were taking during their first few days.

Our Silver Laced Wyandotte

What she should like like as an adult

I love the lacing on these birds!

Our Gold Laced Wyandotte

What she should look like as an adult
Not sure I am crazy about the pea comb, but oh well...

Our Ameracauna
Well, Ameracauna girls are known for ending up as all different colors and patterns so I don't have an adult picture of her.  I am hoping that she turns out to me a lighter red and brown so we have some more color in the coop.  I mostly bought her though to change up the egg color a bit. I am hoping for a blue or green egg layer.