Friday, December 23, 2011

Teeny Weeny Egg!

We received a fun surprise when we went to collect our eggs. One of our pullets or possibly a hen coming out of a molt gave us this....

How cute is that???  The picture isn't the greatest, but the egg on the left is a Black Sex Link normal size egg or a "large" egg by grocery store standards.  The tiny egg measured almost 1 1/4 inches long.  It had the dark speckles on the one end just like the Black Sex Link but considering we found them on the same day and we only have 1 Black Sex Link, we are not sure who layed it. 

I did a little research on the internet and most people stated that they get one periodically but there usually is no yolk in it.  There was a website that had some pretty amazing eggs on it with pictures.  I encourage you to check it out because some of them are almost unbelievable. 

I cracked ours and there was indeed a yolk; however, it was not formed well.  It was not the nice tight yolk but instead one that looked like it had been pricked and leaking out of the membrane.  I regret not taking a picture of the insides but now I know better for the next time our ladies leave a present like this for us!

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