Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Nesting Box Bedding

We initially started out with straw in our nesting boxes.  It was a typical bedding material for nesting boxes I was told.  The hens weren't picky about it either.  The problem is...we don't have a place to go with all of the straw and poop.  We have composting bins but we have so many chickens (and each one poops A LOT) that each time we clean out the coop and boxes, our compost bin is almost full.

So, we decided to brainstorm for other ideas that would make good bedding but deteriorate faster when composting.  We have a paper shredder so we thought we would try recycling that paper as a bedding since it would be easier to compost. 

The hens made a nice nest in it and the first day we found 4 eggs in it so I would say that they liked it. 

Soft material for nest
Conforms well to how the hens wants it
Free (recycled)
Composts quicker than straw and takes up less room in the compost bin
Pretty easy to scoop out wet or poopy paper

Takes quite a bit of paper for one box as it does pat down quickly. 
Stays really wet if I don't change it quick enough
Sometimes sticks to eggs (not a huge deal and I can just pull them right off)

Overall, it seems like this is a good switch but we will have to reevaluate it as we go on a little longer.

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