Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Chicks Due January 6th!

Happy New Year to everyone!

We will have new mixed breed chicks available on January 6th.  There are about 34 eggs in the incubator and because I am always so impatient and want to know how the chicks are doing, I candled them all last night. :-)  ALL of our eggs were fertile and growing right on time.  This round of eggs we are hatching came from Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, Black Sex Link, and Turken hens.  After they hatch we will be selling all of them at $4 each so if anyone is interested, please contact me as soon as possible to be put on the pre-sale list as these tiny fluff balls always sell quickly!  Getting on the list doesn't obligate you to buy, it just reserves your spot to purchase some if you still wish once they are hatched.

The only mix breed that I can guarantee in this bunch is the Turken / Birchen Marans mix as they don't have the neck feathers.  Sometimes I will know which are Buff Orpington / Birchen Marans mix as they can come out a golden yellow color.

Just to recap:
Each chick is $4
They are unsexed
Mixed breeds from excellent egg layers!

You can find my email address to the right of the blog in the About Me section.

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