Friday, September 28, 2012

Finally...a new post!

It has been literally months since I have posted something on this blog.  Not that I haven't thought about it...guess I just hadn't got around to it.  Some of you know that we lost quite a few of our chickens to skunks in May.  In two nights, a skunk family took out 15 chicks that were about 8 weeks old and 2 pullets that were about 3 months old.  We finally caught one of the skunks in a trap and reset it for the next night.  We managed to miss that one the next night even though it ate the egg that we put in the trap for bait and Paul chased it out of the coop when we heard a ruckus going on in there at midnight.  A few nights later we caught the second one but not before it fatally wounded another 3 month old pullet.  For the rest of the skunk family....well, thanks to the neighbors dog (he cornered two) they are all gone.  We have slowly started to rebuild our flock and we decided to switch from Marans to Light Sussex chickens.

We still have a couple of Black Copper Marans hens still left in the flock along with our trusty Peachy, Redger and 4 Ps (our son affectionately named her Pick a Pack of Pickled Peppers ;- )

Here is our new Light Sussex rooster:

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