Friday, April 13, 2012

More Momma and Baby News

I need to come up with a good name for this hen....she is amazing!  She hatched a total of 6 of the eggs she was sitting on which were from a variety of hens in the hen house.  We then swiped her unhatched eggs (we knew some weren't going to hatch) and we replaced them with 4 day old chicks.  Momma was thrilled!  She is happily clucking away talking to her babies in their little brooder area this morning teaching them to scratch, etc.  One even jumped up and pulled on her wattle and then her beak.  She just kept clucking away.  So cute!  I also was putting more food into the area with my scoop and she stuck her head in my scoop and then pushed a ton of food out of the scoop and down to the chicks.  It was really remarkable how she used her head to get them a load of food.

She now has 15 chicks total and she is mothering them like a trooper. I'm not sure how they are all going to fit under her in a few weeks, but hey, she's already amazed me. I'm sure she'll figure something out!

She has such a blended family! :-)  She is raising the following chicks: Turken/Birchen Marans Cross, Black Copper Marans, Blue Copper Marans, Blue Birchen Marans, Birchen Marans, Buff Orpington/Birchen Marans Cross, Splash Marans, Rhode Island Red/Birchen Marans Cross, Black Sex Link/Birchen Marans Cross, and a Blue Orpington/Birchen Marans Cross.  Whew....what a crew!

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