Monday, April 2, 2012

Lost 2 Eggs...

Well, our broody hen lost 2 eggs, and unfortunately, I don't think by choice.  If you look in the picture I posted last of her on her nest, there is a bright light by her face.  She is in the old chicken tractor and then light near her face is coming in from the little door that the chickens use to get in and out to the small fenced-in outdoor area.  The other day she decided to turn around and have her butt near the door after she had got up to get a bite to eat and a drink.  I was afraid she might lose one out the door so I piled some extra straw over in that area to try to block them in.  This morning I found out that my temporary solution did NOT work....bummer...I went out in the morning to find two eggs outside on the ground.  Shoot!  How long had they been there?  How cold were they?  I got Paul and we moved the hen and her eggs into a different brooding area that we have.  She was not happy with us at all! She promptly got back onto her eggs and Paul put the 2 that had fallen out back under her.  They were very cold so maybe they won't make it, but we figured that it didn't hurt to try.  So, in the end she is still on 10 eggs, but 2 may no longer be viable.

We will have to be patient as the chicks are due to hatch on EASTER!  What are the chances of that???

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