Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Our broody hatched her chicks!

We were beginning to get worried when we went out to check out on our momma Tuesday morning and we were delighted to get a "peek" at her new little family.

How fun!  We then saw 3 more little heads peek out of various places around momma.  This is the only light colored one she hatched out.  The rest are all black or black with a dark copper spot on the head.  There are still more eggs under her and there was at least one that was pipped so we will have to check again tonight to see if she is done hatching or not. 

It is hard to see the chicks in this picture but if you can see her feathers are in massive disarray....those are chicks crawling all over her and they would stick their heads out for just a second to grab a piece of hay and then they would disappear again. 

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